Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday was test on chem rxns, Essay test on Monday

Essay: A student combines iron and hydrochloric acid ( HCl)in a test tube. The result is a color change in the solution, some fizzing on the solid iron until it completely disappears. The student collects the gas that is given off in a test tube. The gas is colorless and odorless. Discuss how the law of conservation of matter helps you to predict the outcome of the experiment. What assumptions (at least 3) can be made about the relationship of the products and the reactants based on this law? What do you predict the products of the reaction are? What classification of a reaction is this? What tests can be done in order to determine the identity of the gas? What is the balanced equation for this reaction? Or… A student places an iron nail in a beaker filled with a blue solution of Copper (II) Sulfate (CuSO4). The result is a color change on the solid iron nail until it completely changes color. The student notices there is less blue color in the beaker. Discuss how the law of conservation of matter helps you to predict the outcome of the experiment. What assumptions (at least 3) can be made about the relationship of the products and the reactants based on this law? What do you predict the products of the reaction are? What classification of a reaction is this? What is the balanced equation for this reaction?

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